It seems that the fabric softener does not only give you freshness and comfort, but also a noteworthy amount of toxins which penetrate in the skin. Also, if you breathe it in, it can lead to numerous health issues, especially in children.

Fabric Softener is The #1 Cause of Indoor Air Pollution. Make Your Own With This DIY Recipe

To be exact, here is a list of the most common hazardous ingredients found in sheet and liquid fabric softeners:

– Chloroform: throughout the whole 19th century, this substance has been used as anesthesia, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, it has been discovered that this substance is associated with fatal cardiac arrhythmia. Considering the fact that this substance is a known carcinogenic neurotoxin, the EPA has put this ingredient on their Hazardous Waste list. Furthermore, if someone breathes in its vapors, one may experience drowsiness, nausea, headache, loss of consciousness, vomiting, and/or dizziness. Moreover, if this person suffers from liver, kidney, or heart disorder, their condition can become worse. In addition, if exposed to heat, its bad effects are intensified.

– A-Terpineol: this substance contributes to disorders of the Central Nervous System (CNS), that is, issues with the brain and spine, such as Parkinson’s disease, seizures, strokes, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, ADD, and dementia. The starting symptoms of CNS problems include blurred vision, memory loss, aphasia, dizziness, numbness in face, disorientation, hunger, headaches, neck pain and pain in the spine. This substance also adds to irritation of the mucous membranes and it can even end up in fatal edema, pneumonia, and respiratory depression if aspirated into the lungs.

– Ethanol: This ingredient is found in the softeners, but it can also be found on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste. It may also contribute to Central Nervous System disorders.

– Benzyl Alcohol: This substance is known to cause irritations to the upper respiratory tract and contributes to disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), dramatic drops in blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, headache, and vomiting.

– Ethyl Acetate: this is one more of the ingredients found on the EPA’s Hazardous Waste list. This chemical has been shown to lead to kidneys and liver damage, as well as to loss of consciousness and unbearable headaches. Ethyl acetate may irritate the eyes and respiratory tract too.

– Phthalates: scented products contain phthalates in order to preserve the scent, but they have been found to be connected to breast cancer and problems with the reproductive system.

– Limonene: This compound is a well-known cancer-causing agent, and it may cause skin and eyes irritations.

– Pentane: this substance can seriously and severely harm the health of a person who inhales it.

– Camphor: Camphor is also present on the same notorious list by the EPA. It may cause nausea, convulsions, confusion, dizziness, and twitching muscles. Camphor has the ability to penetrate into the tissues pretty quickly is quickly and lead to an irritated throat, nose or eyes.

– Benzyl Acetate: This substance has often been related to pancreatic cancer. It can easily be absorbed through the skin, and if someone inhales its vapors, it will cause irritation to the eyes and the respiratory passage.

– Linalool: animal studies have shown that the exposure to this ingredient can lead to death. Actually, this is a narcotic which leads to Central Nervous System disorders and respiratory problems.

– Vegans should be informed that tallow is a kind of animal fat which is frequently used in many fabric softener sheets.

Still, you should know that manufacturers have included these toxic ingredients in their products but are not fully unaware of their effects.

Actually, some of the packages come with a small warning note that the products should not be used in children’s sleepwear. However, they may also contain a bit larger illustrations of toys and children, and you may fail to spot the important warning note.

Consequently, it would be really helpful and safest for you to make your own, natural fabric softener that will prevent the hazardous effects of these ingredients.

Here is the recipe of the homemade natural fabric softener that only involves two components. One of them is vinegar, a nontoxic, inexpensive ingredient that efficiently gets rid of soap residue, and helps in static reduction during drying. Furthermore, thanks to the fact that it includes small quantities of potassium and sodium, it will also soften the hard water.

Natural Homemade Fabric Softener


  • 30 drops of an essential oil of your choice
  • 1 gallon of white vinegar

Method of preparation:

This homemade fabric softener can be prepared in a very easy and simple way. Just combine the two ingredients and then pour the resulting mixture into a suitable container.


Prior to its utilization in the laundry, dilute the fabric softener. Take ¼ cup of the mixture and add ¾ cups of water into it. Now you can pour the homemade fabric softener into the washing machine during the final rinse cycle, as you normally do with your regular, store-bought fabric softener.

You’ll be amazed by the results!

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Source: Your Life HealthierHealthRecipesfabric,softener
It seems that the fabric softener does not only give you freshness and comfort, but also a noteworthy amount of toxins which penetrate in the skin. Also, if you breathe it in, it can lead to numerous health issues, especially in children. To be exact, here is a list of...