You might have already heard that people have energy channels, and every disease affects the characteristics associated with releasing and obtaining energy in our body.“Lifesaving” Mudra Can Actually Save Your Life

Mudras represent the special position of the hands and fingers, which are used to establish the healing and inner balance.

We present you the lifesaving mudra. It is a very important mudra and acts as a first aid in case of heart problems.

It is very effective for: heart attack, pain in the heart, heart palpitations and with myocardial infarction.

You can actually save your life, if you immediately start to practice it. As soon as you feel the pain, practice the mudra, do it with both of your hands, as it is shown in the picture:

Bend your index finger so that the fingertips touches the thumb.

Join the fingertips of the ring finger and the middle finger with the fingertip of the thumb and keep the little finger straight.

It is effective for heart problems and it brings quick relief, as if you have taken nitroglycerin.

If you immediately do this you can actually save your life.

Don’t Forget To Share With Your Family And Friends, As You Might Save Someone’s Life!

Source:“Lifesaving”-Mudra-Can-Actually-Save-Your-Life.jpg?fit=600%2C320&ssl=1“Lifesaving”-Mudra-Can-Actually-Save-Your-Life.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1Make Your Life HealthierHealthRecipes
You might have already heard that people have energy channels, and every disease affects the characteristics associated with releasing and obtaining energy in our body. Mudras represent the special position of the hands and fingers, which are used to establish the healing and inner balance. We present you the lifesaving mudra....