Cancer and other specific health conditions have proven to be notorious for causing infertility. If you anticipate conceiving after recovering from a medical condition, New York fertility preservation specialists are one call away. Fertility preservation helps you experience the joy of being a parent after recovering from cancer.

What is fertility preservation?

Fertility preservation is a cutting-edge approach that helps you to retain your ability to reproduce. Several factors can affect your fertility, such as radiation, age, chemotherapy, surgery, and genetics. If you’re at risk of facing fertility problems, you can benefit from fertility preservation. Before undertaking chemotherapy or other medical treatments, consult Dr. Oktay on the available fertility preservation techniques. The team at Innovation Fertility Preservation and IVF offer the following fertility preservation procedures:

  • Egg freezing
  • In Vitro Maturation
  • Ovarian tissue freezing
  • Testicular Tissue Freezing
  • Embryo freezing and in vitro fertilization

 Women who anticipate conceiving after recovering from cancer or at a later age can consider fertility preservation options. The unanticipated loss of fertility can be devastating as it snatches away the joy associated with being a parent. Dr. Oktay is a certified doctor who can recommend and design an appropriate treatment plan to preserve your ability to have kids.

Who can benefit from fertility preservation?

Dr. Oktay recommends fertility preservation if you’re battling a serious health condition whose treatments may cause an irreversible impairment to your reproductive organs, preventing you from conceiving once you recover. Genetic disorders like Turner’s syndrome have been proven to initiate ovarian failure, which can cause infertility. The professional team at Innovation Fertility Preservation and IVF can monitor your genetic condition and recommend when to consider fertility preservation. Toxic medicines, radiation, and chemotherapy can destroy your sperm and eggs, leaving you sterile. During your appointment, the team may conduct a meticulous examination to determine the possible risks and design a suitable treatment plan to retain your ability to conceive. For Dr. Oktay, every case is unique, and he treats each case differently using various approaches that guarantee excellent results. He also understands that infertility can cause depression and hopelessness, hence, he is dedicated to ensuring you retain your potency.

What challenges can you face when considering fertility preservation?

One of the obstacles you’re likely to face when considering fertility preservation is timing. Your cancer treatment deadline may affect your fertility preservation procedure, but the team can consult with your oncologists to conduct the procedure within the available time to prevent any delays. You may also be struggling with a health condition that may need advanced techniques for fertility preservation. For instance, if you have breast cancer, Dr. Oktay may recommend ovarian stimulation to retain your ability to conceive through embryo and egg freezing. If the deadline for your cancer treatment is close, he may conduct ovarian tissue freezing and transplantation.

Do not allow cancer treatments to render you infertile when there are reliable fertility preservation approaches. If you’re at risk of becoming sterile, contact Dr. Oktay or schedule an online appointment for effective fertility preservation treatments. Your Life HealthierHealthRecipesability,away,benefit,cancer,Chemotherapy,conceive,conditions,doctor,egg,embryo,fertility,freezing,health,in vitro,maturation,medicine,new,Oktay,ovarian,preservation,procedures,radiation,retain,sperm,sterile,testicular,tissue,toxic,york
Cancer and other specific health conditions have proven to be notorious for causing infertility. If you anticipate conceiving after recovering from a medical condition, New York fertility preservation specialists are one call away. Fertility preservation helps you experience the joy of being a parent after recovering from cancer. What is...