Consumption of pork is forbidden in some religions. That’s because it is considered to be “unclean”. What’s the explanation for it? Is it only religion that is meddled, or there’s something else that is happening to mankind? There are experimental facts which support this religious belief.

Pigs are though to be scavengers, because they eat almost everything, spoiled food, faces, urine and hazardous growths. All of the aggregated poisons cannot be eliminated by the pig’s digestive system that takes 4 hours for processing. So, the poisons ingested are displaced, and later stored in the fat cells and other organs of the animal.

A research conducted by Consumer Report found that 69% of the raw pork tested, about 200 samples, showed adulteration with Yersinia enteroclitica, a hazardous microorganism that causes gastrointestinal sickness, fever, diarrhea, cramps and vomiting. Also, it was discovered that ground pork is more prone to adulteration than pork slashes.

Other contaminants were found in the pork too, some of them being ractopamine, a questionable medication banned in China and Europe. All these microorganisms are impervious to many antimicrobials, which is additional risk for treatment of the individual that would get sick, and this can even result in death of the individual.

There are many parasites, infections and other creatures in pigs which can be easily and directly transmitted to people.

The most common of them are Taenia solium, an intestinal parasite causing loss of appetite and contamination of the tissues; then Menangle infection that causes migraines, chills, fever and sweating; Trichinella, a roundworm that can cause myalgia, edema, fever and depression; Hepatitis E, a viral irritation with symptoms of nausea, weariness and jaundice.

Pork can sometimes cause fibrosis and cirrhosis. It is proved that proper cooking of the meat reduces the dangers of these parasites, but the exact temperature it is not established.

If you are a pork fan, you should stick to the following rules for cooking pork:

Use a thermometer to ensure that the meat has reached the best internal temperature for eliminating the dangerous microorganisms.

Entire pork should be cooked at a temperature of minimum 145 degrees F, and ground pork at minimum 160 degrees F. make sure the raw pork doesn’t have a contact with other raw food, like mixed greens or some other.

Always wash your hands after a contact with raw pork. Try to buy pork from animals raised without medication and chemicals.

Choose pork form pigs raised naturally, without ractopamine and antitoxins. Ask for proclamations that confirm that antibiotics have not been used, as well as anti-infection agents. The proclamation should say that it is USDA Process Verified.

Certified Humane and Creature Welfare Approved also confirm cautious use of anti-infection agents for disease treating. Watch out for misdirecting marks. The pork labeled as natural is not necessarily of animals that are not treated with antibiotics. The Sprouts pork sold in California and Arizona is unapproved and the Farmland brand as well, and it is sold in several states.

These cases were reported to USDA in June 2012, and organization said that it will take some cautions. In November the same year the Sprouts meat was removed from the markets. Organic pork from animals raised in organic pastures will be greatly improved for people, but carries certain health concerns.

Trichinella spiralis attacks primarily pork from field raised animals. This parasite is known as pork worm and stands high amongst parasites because it is very dangerous. Still, it can be destroyed by proper cooking, according to the rules given above in the text.

They live on steel grates and cement and are even more dangerous because of their huge waste, which is a result of antimicrobials.

This explains why you can smell CAFO swine operation miles before seeing it. Other operations, like Joel Salatins is, are unnoticeable. It is because they are raised naturally, and the land and the animals are managed sensibly.

The bad news is that in the US, CAFO brought up animals are the standard, and the CAFO pork is the most commonly available meat. You can consume pork from time to time, but it is still dangerous, because the more often you eat pork, the more you are exposed to dangers.

Unfortunately, 97% of the pigs in the USA are raised in factory farms. The pigs raised there cannot run on grass, breath fresh air and enjoy in the sunshine. These pigs are put in a confined space into huge stockrooms. Their nutrition includes medications and anti-infection agents which are supposed to prolong their lives.

These agents also serve to enhance their development. If pigs had enough space, they wouldn’t rest and eat at the same place. But, in these confined factory ranches they have to live in their own feces, vomit and urine. One fourth of the pigs gets mange, an unbearable rush, and it is all because of the conditions they live in. also, pigs inhale the lethal gas they’re surrounded in.

Their urine and feces contain ammonia, a gas that disturbs the lungs, so 80% of the pigs in USA suffer from pneumonia. It is an endless terror that involves much more bad things than those discussed here, and people tend to keep this a secret, away from public attention.

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Source: Your Life HealthierHealthRecipesbody,does,eating,inside,pork,what
Consumption of pork is forbidden in some religions. That’s because it is considered to be “unclean”. What’s the explanation for it? Is it only religion that is meddled, or there’s something else that is happening to mankind? There are experimental facts which support this religious belief. Pigs are though to...