This garlic soup is made of fifty cloves of garlic, thyme and red onion and it has been proven to defeat numerous harmful influenza viruses, colds, even the new winter norovius virus. It is always better to opt for the natural remedies instead of the antibiotics and other drugs for treating flu and colds. This only makes the viruses more resistant and stronger. This new norovius virus has alarmed us a lot at the start of the year, since it causes vomiting. You might have heard about this virus in 2012, when it was known under the name Sydney, and it does not have worse symptoms than others. Still, some of the symptoms of this virus are vomiting, fever, diarrhea, stomach cramps and headache.

Garlic Soup! 100 Times More Efficient Than Antibiotics!

What is most interesting about garlic is the fact that is perfectly deals with the mutation changes in the viruses. It fights the new and mutated viruses very efficiently, all thanks to its main compound, allicin. A group of researchers at the Washington University has carried out a research which revealed that white garlic is highly efficient, even up to 100 times more efficient than the two best known antibiotics when it comes to fighting diseases caused by bacterium responsible for illnesses transmitted by food.

Garlic Soup

Everyone should consume garlic on a daily basis. Some people crush it, mix it with olive oil and then put it on bread, and they are extremely healthy, especially if they eat this every day. The most recent study was conducted to prove the health benefits of garlic, but was never implemented to the end. You probably already presumed the reason – it is not in the interest of the great pharmaceutical companies.

Magical Garlic Soup Recipe

  • 50 cloves of cleaned and peeled garlic, which is around 5 heads of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh, chopped thyme
  • a bunch of fresh herbs – thyme, parsley, bay leaf (or dry herbs)
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 2 big chopped onions
  • 1 cup of fat sour cream
  • 3 cups of stale bread, cut into cubes
  • 6 cups of clear chicken soup (250 ml)

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Source: Your Life HealthierFruits and VegetablesHealthHealthy FoodRecipes
This garlic soup is made of fifty cloves of garlic, thyme and red onion and it has been proven to defeat numerous harmful influenza viruses, colds, even the new winter norovius virus. It is always better to opt for the natural remedies instead of the antibiotics and other drugs...