Sole nutrition is not really recommended, but you might see favorable changes with good previous preparation. Julia Tarbes is an inspirational coach and also a nutritional expert that chose to consume simply bananas for 12 days to purify her body.She Decided To Eat Nothing But Bananas For 12 Days. These Are The Results Of Her Experiment!

Bananas are a high quality fruit which although caloric consists of sucrose, sugar and fiber, as well as it is this combo adds a sensation of fullness that lasts much longer than with any other fruit. The first thing she noticed as a modification was the quiet food digestion and the stomach alleviation.

  • I felt like I had no stomach, since my intestines were very calm. Likewise, I discovered that I felt no tension, was quite loose, and I was much more innovative and more concentrated – states Julia.
  • For the first time in my life a day was enough to complete all my responsibilities. I wasn’t tense and also I could focus on any sort of work.

Her husband Paul joined her in the experiment. Knowing the fact that both are vegans for a long time, they have their own fruit garden, so it wasn’t very difficult for them to prepare meals.

Prior to the modifications in her diet regimen, Julia couldn’t stay pregnant for several years, and also dealt with depression, high blood sugar levels, digestion issues, candida albicans and hormonal discrepancy. After going vegan and making a radical change, her wellbeing boosted, and also brought to life a young healthy baby. Her life turned 360 degrees.

However, prior to you engage in such a radical meals change, you have to be very careful. It cannot be done with any fruit and all people can’t stand it equally. For those who have issues with the thyroid gland, this can be counterproductive; lowering its efficiency, and also you may have a lack of zinc, calcium, vitamin B12 and iron, which causes anemia.She Decided To Eat Nothing But Bananas For 12 Days. These Are The Results Of Her Experiment!.

This diet is not recommended for the pregnant , elderly and children. However regardless, before starting on a revolution in your diet plan, it is most effectively to speak with your doctor as well as nutritional expert.

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Source: Your Life HealthierBeautyDiet & Weight LossFruits and VegetablesHealthHealthy Food
Sole nutrition is not really recommended, but you might see favorable changes with good previous preparation. Julia Tarbes is an inspirational coach and also a nutritional expert that chose to consume simply bananas for 12 days to purify her body. Bananas are a high quality fruit which although caloric consists...