The following recipe was found in old monastery in Tibet. Believe it or not, it was written on clay bricks.

2,000 years have passed since this recipe has been written. It is very helpful for the cholesterol, diabetes, blood cleansing and improving the immunity. It also disables the tumor appearance, improves the vision and makes the organism younger.

Combine 300g of garlic with 1 kilo of lemons. The lemons should be grinded in the meat machine before mixing with the garlic. Apply the mixture on heat and pour 1.5 liter of water over it. Leave it to boil for 15 minutes and then remove the mixture from the heat and leave it to cool down.

Place your mixture in some jar of glass and cover it with aluminum foil.

Consume one tablespoon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach in the following 25 days.

Make a pause for 10 days and then iterate the procedure again.

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The following recipe was found in old monastery in Tibet. Believe it or not, it was written on clay bricks. 2,000 years have passed since this recipe has been written. It is very helpful for the cholesterol, diabetes, blood cleansing and improving the immunity. It also disables the tumor appearance,...